Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

16 Juni 2011. best day ever.

kenapaaa best day? karna hari itu gua keterima smansa dan gua sangat senang sekali! sebelum pengumuman, gue deg2an banget, galau, campur jadi satu. terus besok subuhnya gue dapet sms dari Lintang kalau gue keterima smansa, karna ga percaya gue langsung check website smansa dan taraaaaaaaa!!! ada nama gue disitu. Rasanya seperti mimpi dan gue sangat bersyukur banget bisa lolos, karna berarti perjuangan gue selama ini sangat tidak sia-sia :D terus gue paginya langsung ke spensa, ngambil amplop pengumuman, alhamdulillah ternyata website tidak harkos o:) setelah dari spensa, gue dan teman2 memutuskan kerumah Regia, disana sih kita main2 aja, take some pictures!!

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

i'm back B-)

hallo semuanya saya kembali! ah seneng deh rasanya bisa buka blog lagi, soalnya udah lama banget ga buka blog ini...dikarenakan apa? waktu itu sih dikarenakan sibuk belajar untuk UN dan test SMA. guys, fyi i got accepted in SMANSA Bogor. alhamdulillah, perjuangan gue selama ini terbayarkan sudah. dan sekarang gue ini lagi masa2 liburan panjang, yak sangat panjang sampe bulukan dirumah-_- banyaaaak sekali ceritaaaaa yang belum diceritakan. insya Allah liburan ini gue rajin ngeblog deh hahaha. bye dulu.

Selasa, 16 November 2010


semoga di hari ini kita makin bersyukur kepada Allah SWT atas segala nikmat yang dia berikan aaaaaamin. Ah too bad bangetlah gue ga bisa sholat hari ini, biasalah cewek -_- padahal lagi pengen banget juga hiwhiw. yasudahlah mari berkurban kawan!!

dubbing time

ah finally we take our voice in dubbing! hehehe seneng banget banget deh bisa dubbing uhuy gue tuh takutnya kelas kita telat banget hehe tapi akhirnya kesampean juga dubbingnya. semoga hasilnya sesuai harapan deh amin. go go go Shaolin On Channel!!
here are few pictures before dubbing time... so excited

sorry for a long time no posts. im kinda busy, as always. well i have a little spare time to check my blog today, because tomorrow is school day's off cause of idul adha. I don't know what to post so i think this picture................would explain.

by the way how do i keep getting closer to him if he holds no phone??? ah semoga hapenya cepet sembuh terus terus bisa smsin lagi deh hihiiiy

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

im crying for this tragedy

I really don't know what and where to begin. it was 27/10/2010 and it was the worst and the saddest day i've ever taken! first of all, there was a guy out there who promised me to watch movie together, he planned we will go to theatre on saturday, okay i feel so surprised at that time, so no need a long time i surely say yes! but, 3 days after, i saw his tweet which is like he wanted to meet his friends on the same day with he wanted to bring me watching. my feeling was sdfghjkl, what the hell is he thinking about? didn't he remember about our plan? and my emotion was uncontrol, so i just tweeted everything that could make him realized about our plan, yea i admitted that at that night i tweeted a rant word, and unfortunately he read 'em. so he became so angry with me and he texted me, which's say my thought just like a baby! i was crying crying a looooot, there was nobody in my house so i could do everything what i wanted to do, screamed, cried, threw some of my stuffs, like an insane people. i couldn't control how to express my feelings, i was sad, angry, regret! like i really need a time maching so i could repeat time and make up all things better. i felt like a stupid idiot little girl. and then i prayed to God, asked God why this tragedy could happened to me. After that, i replied his message, i said SORRY SORRY SORRY. but you know what he didn't reply back even once. ok i got his message again eventually but it's after my 6th message, all the contents of the message is SORRY SORRY REALLY SORRY, he just replied "yauda slow" fu!!! but at least i knew the answer even by a short sentence like that. i couldnt enjoy my sleep well, still thinking about him. and when i came to my class the next morning, they were shouting, "hey what happened to those eyes? seems so poor!" and i answered "haha nothing happened, i have done my homeworks until midnight!" hahahahahaha i want to laugh. ALWAYS SUCCESS FOR HIDING MY PAIN BEHIND A SWEET SMILE :)